A feather in Dunedin’s cap

A feather in Dunedin’s cap

The southern city hosts a big event in May.

Bok bok book it in your calendar – the New Zealand Poultry, Pigeon and Cage Bird National Show arrives in Dunedin for three fun-filled days from the 28th of May.

This is the first time the southern city has hosted the big bird show and the host club is promising a flocking good time.

Between the three categories there will be over 2000 birds exhibited at the Forester Park facility of the Dunedin Poultry, Pigeon and Cage Bird Club. It’s a massive number of birds – regional shows normally display approximately 700 birds. So the club is understandably excited to be hosting the event. 

The show provides both work and play for those exhibiting their birds. Across the three days of the event there will be some big awards ceremonies, with 190 national championship titles for the best birds. On the last day of the show there will also be an auction with plenty of purebred and show birds available.

The event is open to the public each day – check the club’s Facebook page for all the times and additional information.

New Zealand Poultry, Pigeon and Cage Bird National Show  /  28th – 30th May 2021  /  Forester Park Kennel Club, Dunedin

bird show chickens pigeons

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