Aviary bird nutrition & care

Your aviary action list
August 05, 2019
Aviary bird breeding is a colourful and rewarding pastime, the peak of which is represented each year at the Topflite New Zealand National Bird Show. This year’s event saw a number of newcomers take home the honours, proving the best time to start an aviary of your own is, well… right now.

Super Sprout Feeding Instructions
November 01, 2018
Sprouted seeds will release stored nutrients as they grow, creating a natural superfood for birds. Read our sprouting instructions:

Talking Parrots
May 08, 2018
The Parrot Society of New Zealand conference was an excellent opportunity to talk with owners, breeders and visiting experts.

Aviary bird nutrition
July 24, 2017
We talk bird nutrition with NZ's own rockstar avian vet, Dr Hamish Baron.

Spotlight on soft foods
July 07, 2017
Hand-rearing chicks is one of the greatest joys of keeping birds. And feeding soft food is the best way to ensure they grow up healthy and strong.

Maximise your mix
December 07, 2016
Here’s a tip from Don Birch – the renowned bird rearer from the Hawke’s Bay Bird Club (and a loyal customer of ours) has come up with a great way to increase the quality and longevity of his feed.

Finch Nutrition
November 28, 2016
In addition to fresh, clean water, quality seed should form the basis of your finch’s diet (60-70%), and can be provided in a dish or in the form of a seed bell or millet spray. The remaining 30-40% of the diet should consist of: