Leafing through

Leafing through

During these dark and cold nights there’s nothing quite like curling up on the couch with a nice drink and a good read. There have been some fascinating books on birds published over the last year perfect for such nights. Here are three of our ‘chick lit’ favourites…

Birdstories: A History of the Birds of New Zealand, Geoff Norman.

Big, bold and beautiful, it’s no wonder this hardcover history of birds in Aotearoa was nominated in the Illustrated Non-Fiction category of this year’s Ockham Book Awards.

Walter Buller wrote this book’s namesake back in 1873 and, in doing so, introduced our incredible birdlife here to the world. Now Geoff Norman has expanded on this legacy with a huge collection of stunning artwork and carefully researched information. Inside you’ll discover the origins of each bird, their place within our cultures, how they have coped with human migration and how we must work to protect them in the future. It’s the perfect birthday present for the bird lover in your life.

Bird Therapy, Joe Harkness.

We know that birds are good for your wellbeing and, if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you do too. But how do you explain this to your unenlightened friends? We’ve got just the book to help out.

When Joe Harkness suffered a breakdown in 2013 he tried all the traditional treatments with varying degrees of success. While each helped in some way he found that what really made the difference to his recovery was the time he spent out in nature watching birds. So he started a blog about it. He’s now a renowned British advocate for the benefits of bird-watching, and Bird Therapy is filled with great advice on how to make the most of your time out in the wild.

The Ascent of Birds: How Modern Science Is Revealing Their Story, John Reilly.

For a ‘big picture’ scientific perspective this book provides an accessible account on how birds have evolved from their ancient origins over 100 million years ago to the present day.

Travelling the world to highlight how birds have adapted and survived The Ascent of Birds uncovers all the weird and wonderful facts behind the incredible diversity of our planet’s bird life. Advancements in science are uncovering valuable insights into the past in order to both better understand the present and to plan for the future of birds. A fascinating read.

conservation NZ Native Birds Wild birds

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