Stamp of approval

Stamp of approval

With the ‘season of sending’ dominated by couriers and emails we’ve noticed old-fashioned letters seem to be going the way of the moa and, with them, some beautiful bird art too. It’s why we’re taking a look back at some stunning stamps from the past…

It seems stamps with fish or bugs just don’t have the same nostalgic appeal. When you revisit a stamp from yesteryear the chances are it features a whio, kiwi or perhaps a kea.

New Zealand’s national identity is closely linked with our native birds. It may be that we treasure the uniqueness our geographic isolation has provided. From the world’s only alpine parrot to the wonderful biological quirks of the Kiwi, our birds are extraordinary. Or it may be that our native birds are easily accessible with a quick walk into the backyard or by turning an ear toward the morning bush chorus.

However there’s one main reason why we love our birds (and why they make good stamps). It’s because we’re Kiwis.

New Zealand native bIrds NZ Native Birds

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