News & Tips

Great reads for nature lovers
February 09, 2024
Stuck indoors? The next best thing to forest or sea bathing might be a well written article about the natural world. Here are a few gems for your reading pleasure.

Grow your own native plants for native birds
May 12, 2023
If you’ve ever seen a mature kōwhai in full bloom, chances are you’ve noticed how popular it is with nectar-sipping birds such as tūī and korimako. Here's how to grow some of your own!

Good Eggs: Whakatipu Reforestation Trust & Shotover Primary School
April 20, 2023

Good Egg: The Shirley Community Trust
October 27, 2022

An ensemble piece: Helping Project Island Song soar
September 28, 2022

Good Egg: The Gemmells Crossing Society
August 11, 2022
In 2013, a community of crib owners at Gemmells Crossing banded together to replant and restore their special spot on the Kakanui River. The outcome? A thunderous symphony of birdsong that quite literally silenced the room during a recent AGM.

Feeding wild birds - should we do it?
July 01, 2022

Celebrating Matariki 2022
June 20, 2022
Rising in mid-winter, the cluster of stars known as Matariki represents a time of solemn reflection followed by a celebration of the present and a looking ahead to the future. We’re excited about this important new national holiday - and here’s a round-up of how people are celebrating around Aotearoa.