News & Tips

A handmade Christmas wreath
December 18, 2022
Instead of rushing out to crowded big box stores, consider making a unique wreath by hand. This delightful wreath can be made using natural bits and pieces from the garden. It’s both easy to make, and impressive to receive.

Good Egg: The Shirley Community Trust
October 27, 2022
We reckon the Shirley Community Trust are Good Eggs! As part of a series of community-building initiatives, the Trust is inviting the birds to Macfarlane Park by way of a 'Birdsong Trail', and we love it.

Good Egg: The Gemmells Crossing Society
August 11, 2022
In 2013, a community of crib owners at Gemmells Crossing banded together to replant and restore their special spot on the Kakanui River. The outcome? A thunderous symphony of birdsong that quite literally silenced the room during a recent AGM.

June 02, 2022
As winter hits, trees and shrubs go dormant above ground for the season, biding their time until spring arrives. That means fewer food sources like nectar, berries and insects for our wild bird friends.

Does New Zealand need Arbor Day?
June 05, 2018
Imported from the Northern Hemisphere, Arbor Day mostly goes unrecognised these days. Is it time to bring it back?