News & Tips

Backyard Bounty: Feijoas
April 09, 2024
The feijoa is NZ's favourite homegrown fruit, and has come to symbolise the seasonal shift to autumn’s cold, sunny days. As the bags start appear on the doorstep, here's what to do with these zingy green globes.Â

An ensemble piece: Helping Project Island Song soar
September 28, 2022
We've been long-time fans of Project Island Song as the charitable endeavour aimed high and worked hard to replant, restore and replenish Ipipiri / eastern Bay of Islands. We recently formalised our support using the Soar Initiative, which gave us a good excuse to get back in touch with the legendary Richard Robbins.

We’re all a-twitter over the findings from the 2021 NZ Garden Bird Survey!
June 22, 2022
The results are in for the 2021 New Zealand Garden Bird Survey. At 5894 results nationwide, 2021 saw a near-identical number of submitted surveys as 2020.Â

In tune with nature: Project Island Song
September 10, 2021
Since 2009 Project Island Song has provided a pest-mammal free wildlife sanctuary for several rare and endangered species across the seven main islands of Ipipiri in the eastern Bay of Islands. Keeping track of bird populations can be tricky. However thanks to some feeding stations, remote cameras and our delicious millet, the project team has started off on the right foot…