News & Tips

We’re all a-twitter over the findings from the 2021 NZ Garden Bird Survey!
June 22, 2022
The results are in for the 2021 New Zealand Garden Bird Survey. At 5894 results nationwide, 2021 saw a near-identical number of submitted surveys as 2020.

We were on the telly!
June 09, 2022
“They’re a hard-case crew and absolutely great to work with,” says GM Greg Webster. “They knew what they wanted and just got stuck into it. There was no make-up artist, no reshoots and everything was kept as natural as possible. It really was a slice of life type of shoot.”

An important time of year for the Kākāpō
February 17, 2022
Hot on the heels of Valentine’s Day comes more good news from Cupid. New Zealand’s beloved kākāpō, 2020 Bird of the Year winner (and recipient of recent funding from our Soar Initiative), is currently in the middle of successful breeding season.

A new hub for Topflite
December 12, 2016
Sometimes it’s simply time to stretch your wings and leave the nest.
It’s been a hectic few weeks down at Topflite base but the bulk of our move to a new warehouse space in Oamaru has now been successfully navigated.

Our new brand takes flight
December 07, 2016
We’ve been busy working behind the scenes over the last few months in preparation for the debut of our new brand.