Pocket pets love a bit of novelty in their lives.

Inspired by the boxes for our compressed Timothy Hay, which can be repurposed following the printed template to make a fun hidey, we’ve found the best and cutest ideas for keeping your rabbits and guinea pigs entertained.

Bunny boredom busters

Like most pets, rabbits are food driven so tasty morsels will need to be involved if you want to get your bunny interested in these activities and ideas. Get your craft supplies ready and prepare to see some happy hops.

Treat capsules

Depending on your level of creativity, these can take the form of anything from a carefully crafted folded origami fruit, to a toilet roll pinched off at the ends to seal in the goodies. The key is what’s inside. Fill with something delicious, like sprinkles of Meadow Medley, Timothy Pellets or a Munchie, then make sure it is wrapped up tight. 

Your bunny will smell the treat and love spending time ripping into the wrapper to reveal it. Use non-toxic, unbleached paper to make sure you don’t cause any bother to your bunny’s tummy. 

Optional extra: punch holes in the outer wrap and fill with loose pellets so your rabbit has to roll it around to release the goods!

Homemade tunnels

Obviously, rabbits are big into tunnels in the wild. Why not replicate this behaviour in their hutch? For a simple tunnel system, take several cardboard boxes and tape them together, with holes cut for entries and exits. You could use our Timothy Hay box as a starting point!

Thanks @oreo.and.mcflurry for the fabulous picture!

If you have the space, you can expand this with several navigation options inside, similar to a maze. Inside, place some Bonanza Bars or scatter some Fibre Feast at random - and let 'em loose!

Vege clothesline

Hang a piece of twine along the top of your rabbit’s hutch, high enough that they have to stand on their back legs to reach it. 

Peg some delicious morsels to the line, like fresh mint and spinach leaves or carrots with the stem attached, and tie a couple of Timothy Cakes on too with extra thread. Your rabbit will love the challenge of trying to ‘bring in’ the treat laundry. 

Guinea good times

While they are incredibly adorable, guinea pigs are a little simpler to entertain than bunnies. In fact, sometimes all you need to get a guinea pig looking bright-eyed is a new box or a paper bag. They love to hide, so anything worth hiding in is worth its weight in Bonanza Bars, as far as guinea pigs are concerned. In saying that, these activities are sure to bring something novel and extra to your cavy’s day.

Get twiggy with it

Collect some branches from fruit trees and create a little twig teepee by splaying them out at the base and tying up the top end. Leave a gap that your guinea pigs can fit through. They will love hiding within their little hut and will also enjoy nibbling on the branches, which are great for their teeth.

Paper mache hidey

Blow up a balloon and place it over a glass, then tape it down so it stays put. Tear strips of newspaper, dip them into a simple paste made from flour and water, and drape them over the top of the balloon. Once you have around four layers, leave to dry and then pop the balloon (if it hasn’t already shrivelled). 

You should have a rounded shell with a hole at one end. Place this in your piggies’ hutch with a Nibble Stick or two inside and watch them investigate, hopping in and out through the opening. They may even like to take a little nap inside!

Cavy castle

Cut guinea pig sized gaps in the side of two shoeboxes, sans lids, then place them upside down on top of one another so that the gaps line up. 

Using some sturdy cardboard or a piece of light, untreated wood, make a ramp accessing the top shoebox. Make sure your ramp isn’t too steep or too slippery, or your piggie likely won’t use it. You can score the ramp to make it more grippy, or place some thick, strong rubber bands around it for footholds. Secure it with tape.

This creates a double level hidey castle for your prince and princess potatoes.

The importance of hay and fibre for rabbits and guinea pigs

In terms of digestion, hay is an essential ingredient to keep things moving in a healthy way for your pets. The fibre fix is also important for teeth, tums and foraging behaviour. Read more

The why, how and hay-now of rabbit nutrition

It takes more than a fresh patch of grass to keep your rabbit in tip-top shape. A large percentage of rabbit health problems are caused by inadequate nutrition and poor diet. Dental, gut, skin, eye, urinary and behavioural issues can quickly flare up if your bunny isn’t fed properly. Read more

Big love for little pets

What do kids learn by looking after their rabbits and guinea pigs? We asked them! They also told us about what to consider if you’re looking to add some pocket pets to the whānau. Read more