Grown right here in New Zealand

We grow our feed in the heart of Otago, carefully ensuring only the best seed makes the grade. Then we roll up our sleeves and shape this seed into a range of feed that’s high in energy and rich in essential nutrients. With our locally sourced energy feed and beautiful feeders you’ll have everything you need to attract and sustain birdlife in your backyard. 

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wild bird feed

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Topflite energy food for birds
Energy Food
Topflite premium wild bird feeder - a restaurant for the birds in your garden!


The Peka Power pack

The Peka Peka native bird feeder gives birds a secure feeding platform away from the threat of predators. When combined with our energy-packed truffles this pack is the perfect power pick-me-up.

Who's coming to lunch?

The annual NZ Garden Bird Survey helps provide a clearer picture of bird populations and what types of birds can be found in each region.

While some of these species may be at home throughout Aotearoa others are less wide-ranging. For example, the silvereye is popular in Canterbury but rarely seen in Northland, and the myna is only found in the North Island.

Topflite House Sparrow


Topflite Blackbird

Silvereye / waxeye (Tauhou)



Topflite Tui


Topflite Starling



Topflite premium bird feed for chaffinch


Topflite premium bird feed for greenfinch


Topflite premium bird feed for myna birds
Topflite premium bird feed for kererū


Topflite premium bird feed for goldfinch


Topflite premium bird feed for bellbird


Topflite premium bird feed for dunnock


Topflite premium bird feed for saddleback

WAROU / Welcome Swallow

Needer Feeder?

Our bambeautiful range of feeders are made from environmentally sustainable bamboo and designed for easy use and stylish placement in a wide variety of outdoor spaces…

Topflite premium bird feeder lantern
Lantern Feeder
Topflite premium bird feeder bach
The Bach
Topflite premium bird feeder lodge
The Lodge
Topflite premium bug and bee hut
The Bug & Bee Hut

Frequently asked questions

Where should I hang my bird feeder?

Somewhere high, and dry. Always hang a bird feeder out of harm’s way. Birds feel safe feeding high up off the ground as they are out of the reach of predators like cats, rats and stoats. When hanging a bird from a tree, be sure to hang the feeder out on a limb rather than close to the trunk to discourage pests. 

Ok, I’ve got the feeder up and the birds are ignoring it. What’s going on?

Patience, grasshopper. It may take a few days for birds to discover your feeder. Once they do you’re sure to see a flurry of feathery activity.

How else can I attract birds to my garden?

Planting native trees is the best way to provide long-term food sources for native birds . Tūi and korimako love flax or kōwhai and native jasmine. Koromiko and other hebe species will bring insects which in turn attract birds like the piwakawaka and grey warbler. See a more detailed rundown here.

How do I clean a bird feeder?

First, chuck out any leftover bird food. Take the bird feeder apart and soak well in warm water to remove debris. Scrub thoroughly using a squirt of gentle dishwashing liquid. Leave it to dry completely before refilling with your local flyers’ favourite NZ-made bird feed. Tweeeet as! 

How often should I clean my feeder?

Bird feeders should be cleaned regularly — ideally every couple of days. Garden birds have terrible table manners so clear away droppings and uneaten food. Dirty leftovers can clog up a feeder as well as transmit diseases to birds in the area. 

Is it good to feed garden birds?

If you feed them right (and wash that feeder) then there is no harm in providing sustenance to garden birds, especially in winter when food is scarce. A fed bird is more likely to breed, so keeping a feeder in your garden, along with planting native shrubbery and trees, lends a helping hand to our native manu.

I don’t have anywhere to hang a bird feeder. What can I do?

Don’t worry – if you get a waratah (Y-post) you can use our Peka Peka feeder. This great invention works as a stand-alone feeding platform, helping native birds eat and drink free from the threat of predators. There's also the Feeder Fix (great for balconies!) and The Hangout or The Penthouse for attracting birds to tree-free spaces.

Should I feed bread to garden birds?

No! Bread is high in calories and low in… well, anything good at all for a bird’s diet. Native birds feed on nectar, fruit, insects or foliage, and introduced birds species need nutritious seed, vitamin-rich fruit and essential fats and protein. Save the bread for cheese rolls or croutons instead!

What should I feed native birds?

Our native feathered friends turn their beaks up at seed but will flock for nectar, fruit and Energy Food. This isn’t snobbery but merely a matter of biology – tūī and bellbirds, for example, have a curved, narrow beak and a long tongue for sipping nectar from inside flowers.

Should I feed garden birds all year round?

The times when birds are most in need of an extra feed are autumn, winter and early spring. That's when natural food sources can be limited. Feed fruit, nectar, Wild Bird Seed Mix and protein-rich mealworms to give birds the energy required for winter survival and a successful breeding season in spring. 

How about feeding ducks and other poultry?

We’re so glad you asked – we also make Lucky Duck, New Zealand’s only specifically formulated feed.for ducks. Aviary birds and chickens are well looked after too. We’ve got your all your bird feed requirements covered with quality New Zealand made recipes.