Introducing the Soar Initiative

Introducing the Soar Initiative

Our new charity approach takes off.

You may see a small change to some of our packaging over the coming months as Topflite launches the Soar Initiative. However the big change will come behind the scenes as we begin a new coordinated approach to our support for both big and small nature advocates throughout New Zealand.

As the name implies, our new programme has been created to help New Zealand’s nature fly high. We’re now looking forward to announcing new support for some incredible organisations.

The coordinated response to charitable giving is something we’ve been mulling over for a while. In the past we’ve worked in a somewhat ad-hoc way with our donations and overall support. With this new approach we’ve created a pool of funding that can help more organizations.

This means we’re now sponsoring two to three main organisations at any given time. We are also committed to continued annual support for the Bird of the Year, the New Zealand Garden Bird Survey and other ongoing initiatives. We’re able to spread the resources further and ensure more people are supported in their good work.

It also means that there’ll be more opportunities to support specific causes with how you purchase our products. After working on our online store we can now use specific codes to ensure percentages from sales of key products can go towards these groups. We’re still also supporting our local community around Oamaru and ensuring regular donations to local schools can help their fundraising while encouraging the next generation of nature-lovers.

We’re also keen to reward more of the Good Eggs out there. Do you know someone who has put in the effort protecting, preserving or growing New Zealand’s nature? Email us at and we’ll reward their good work with some Topflite goodies.

Topflite NZ Bird Seed

conservation New Zealand birds Predator free

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