News & Tips

We’re all a-twitter over the findings from the 2021 NZ Garden Bird Survey!
June 22, 2022
The results are in for the 2021 New Zealand Garden Bird Survey. At 5894 results nationwide, 2021 saw a near-identical number of submitted surveys as 2020.

Shut your trap!
May 19, 2022
Following on from other successful trapping schemes in the region the Topflite team is delighted to back the arrival of the Oamaru Urban Trapping Project.

Navigating by a new Star: Part 2
May 21, 2021
Here's the second part of the fascinating story behind a pre-pilot study coming out of Otago – one that seeks to provide New Zealand’s homes with a Gardenstar rating for the biodiversity of their property.

Navigating by a new Star
April 12, 2021
Over the last six months the launch of an exciting new conservation initiative has seen researchers at the University of Otago walking into the backyards of 78 homes to check out and mark down what’s growing where.

Kākāpō soars…
March 06, 2021
Since introducing the Soar Initiative in 2020 we have provided support both for the Orokonui Ecosanctuary on the north coast of Dunedin and for Forest & Bird’s efforts around New Zealand. Now we’re proud to share the news of our most recent Soar recipient – the Kākāpō Recovery Programme.

Introducing the Soar Initiative
August 28, 2020
You may see a small change to some of our packaging over the coming months as Topflite launches the Soar Initiative. However the big change will come behind the scenes as we begin a new coordinated approach to our support for both big and small nature advocates throughout New Zealand.