Our World of Nature
More helpful elections, less harmful rotations and other inspiring news and views from around the globe…
Ready to vote again?
Once you’re done with Bird of the Year there’s another opportunity to have your say on NZ's nature. The rather less prolific but no less fun NZ Fauna of the Year (not a competition) competition has recently begun. It’s “Like Bird of the Year, but without birds”. You can vote for everything from the Popoto to the Cromwell Chafer Beetle. Have a look here to see what it’s all about.
Winds of change
While admittedly only a small study, a recent test case in Norway has reduced bird mortality from wind turbine blades by over 70%. As these blades are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of birds each year even a small percentage drop is worth investigating further.
There have been many different ideas for protecting birds and bats from windmill deaths, but this latest one appears to have made an incredible difference. What’s even more incredible is the solution: painting one of the turbine blades black. A smart, cost-effective change that prevents unnecessary bird deaths? Yes – we’re big fans.
On friendships…
More good news – the Mediterranean Shipping Company has rerouted its vessels to help protect blue whales off the coast of Sri Lanka. The company changed its standard course to travel 15 nautical miles (approx. 27 kms) to the south after advice from the International Fund for Animal Welfare. It’s hoped this voluntary move by the MSC will help lead to permanent changes to the official shipping lanes and greater protection for the world’s largest animals.
Less predators, more birds
Closer to home, a recent study of native bird life on Wellington's Miramar Peninsula has shown an incredible 51% increase since monitoring began in 2017. There has been a 550% increase in pīwakawaka, a 275% increase in riroriro and a 49% increase in tūī.
Predator Free Wellington has been doing a huge amount of work behind the scenes to make sure these birds can thrive. With approximately 3000 individual homeowners and businesses, 11,000 different traps and bait stations, and 300 cameras monitoring rat activity, our feathered friends are soaring high again.
More whales! Kind of!
Could you have a more once-in-a-lifetime experience than swimming with a whale shark as it comes up to the boat to smooch your pup? Check out the incredible interaction here.
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