Loyal. True. Vote Little Blue!

Loyal. True. Vote Little Blue!

Why we’re backing the kororā for Bird of the Year.

Is 2017 the year of the kororā? We’re working on it! But we’ll need your support to make it happen.

The popular Bird of the Year contest run by Forest and Bird is now in its 13th year. The kororā (little blue penguin) has never taken out the title. We’re acting as its campaign manager this year and plan to give our little blue locals a fighting chance at the top spot.

Just like our world famous colony of kororā, we grew up in Oamaru and built our business here. In fact, back in the 1970s they took up residence in an abandoned harbourside quarry around the time we planted our first sunflowers.

The Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony is now one of the largest in New Zealand and around here they’re an important part of the community.

Photo courtesy of the Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony

However recent reports in the media have highlighted how human activity, dogs and other pests are impacting on survival rates of the little blue penguin. Numbers are in decline nation-wide and their conservation status is ‘at risk’.

Winning Bird of the Year would attract some much-needed attention for the kororā.

The Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony has pledged to support Topflite’s campaign and so has kororā fan ellaquaint, the illustrator behind our new packaging. She will provide a special edition prize, to be revealed during the campaign.

We’re calling on New Zealanders to help the blue penguin claim the title of Bird of the Year 2017. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Vote for the kororā at www.birdoftheyear.org.nz
  2. Share photos or stories about the kororā using the hashtags #BirdOfTheYear #votelittleblue
  3. Follow the campaign page on Facebook
  4. Make a video or poster about the kororā
  5. Encourage everyone you know to #votelittleblue

Voting is open until Monday 23 October at 5.00pm

Bird of the Year Blue Penguin Forest and Bird Kororā

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