News & Tips

Bird of the Year 2022
September 23, 2022
It’s that time of the year when we are called upon to do our civic duty, electing a local representative to lead us confidently into the future. Yes – it’s Bird of the Year time!

An important time of year for the Kākāpō
February 17, 2022
Hot on the heels of Valentine’s Day comes more good news from Cupid. New Zealand’s beloved kākāpō, 2020 Bird of the Year winner (and recipient of recent funding from our Soar Initiative), is currently in the middle of successful breeding season.

Care for the Kororā
October 26, 2021
We sat down with Dr Philippa Agnew to take a deep dive into her work, discovering why our ‘Little Blue’ has such a big role to play in the ocean, within the local community and throughout New Zealand.

Big head, big heart
October 28, 2020
Here are five famous boneheads and big-faces that have a lot in common with our own top-heavy native bird…

The year of the penguin
November 20, 2019
New Zealand’s Bird Of The Year has finished with the mighty Hoiho being voted as the country’s favourite bird. The yellow-eyed penguin’s victory was a huge result for all seabirds.

Caring for the kororā
October 30, 2019
Every year it seems we hear of yet another disastrous event that affects our local kororā population. From dog and cat predators to choking on plastic, oil spills to overfishing, the threats against this small sea birds are plentiful. Here’s how you can help protect them…