News & Tips

Powering New Zealand’s wild birds
December 06, 2024
The pandemic years allowed us (like many others) to look at our business differently – our Wild Bird Energy range in particular.

How to compost our paper and compostable film packaging
May 24, 2023
Many of Topflite's Wild Bird feeding products are packaged in compostable films, plastics and paper products after we make them. Here's what to do with them.

Eight gifts you don’t need to leave the house for
December 16, 2022
Unless you like driving around in circles looking for parking and playing cart dodge-ems in the crowds, shopping centres should probably be avoided at this time of year. Stay home and save yourself the sweat and tears (and the planet from the waste and exhaust fumes) by opting for these ideas instead.

An ensemble piece: Helping Project Island Song soar
September 28, 2022
We've been long-time fans of Project Island Song as the charitable endeavour aimed high and worked hard to replant, restore and replenish Ipipiri / eastern Bay of Islands. We recently formalised our support using the Soar Initiative, which gave us a good excuse to get back in touch with the legendary Richard Robbins.

Tree-free bird feeders for New Zealand gardens
July 20, 2022
We love seeing a kererū in a kōwhai or tūī in a tawa gobbling fruit and nectar. Even better if we can supplement the birds’ natural food sources by hanging a feeder to get them through times of food scarcity. But what if trees aren’t an option at your place?

Celebrating Matariki 2022
June 20, 2022
Rising in mid-winter, the cluster of stars known as Matariki represents a time of solemn reflection followed by a celebration of the present and a looking ahead to the future. We’re excited about this important new national holiday - and here’s a round-up of how people are celebrating around Aotearoa.

We were on the telly!
June 09, 2022
“They’re a hard-case crew and absolutely great to work with,” says GM Greg Webster. “They knew what they wanted and just got stuck into it. There was no make-up artist, no reshoots and everything was kept as natural as possible. It really was a slice of life type of shoot.”