Packing bird feed in our New Zealand warehouse. Topflite NZ

The secrets behind our seed.
The love behind their feed.

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News & Tips

Amberwood: A lush garden haven for birds and bugs

Amberwood: A lush garden haven for birds and bugs

What happens when you plan a garden that puts bugs and birds first? This Tauranga garden has undergone an incredible transformation for the benefit of wildlife.

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Better together: Our favourite collabs

Better together: Our favourite collabs

We've worked with a whole bunch of good eggs to make cool things for the smallest members of our families.

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Silvereye feeding on a Topflite Wild Bird Energy Coconut Feeder

Powering New Zealand’s wild birds

The pandemic years allowed us (like many others) to look at our business differently – our Wild Bird Energy range in particular.

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Social butterflies (and birds and dogs and rabbits and...)

Boy and bird having fun in the sun. Topflite bird and small animal feed made in New Zealand

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