News & Tips

Introducing Bird Butter: The smoothest way to feed garden birds
June 17, 2024
A soft, highly peckable blend of protein and fat, Topflite Bird Butter is a smooth new way to feed garden birds.

Seasonal release: Bug & Berry Energy Food for wild birds
May 15, 2024
To mix things up a bit this winter, we’ve combined our natural berry recipe with a collection of delectable dried mealworms, grasshoppers and crickets.

Tree-free bird feeders for New Zealand gardens
July 20, 2022
We love seeing a kererū in a kōwhai or tūī in a tawa gobbling fruit and nectar. Even better if we can supplement the birds’ natural food sources by hanging a feeder to get them through times of food scarcity. But what if trees aren’t an option at your place?

June 02, 2022
As winter hits, trees and shrubs go dormant above ground for the season, biding their time until spring arrives. That means fewer food sources like nectar, berries and insects for our wild bird friends.