Meet the team: Sharni Cunningham

Meet the team: Sharni Cunningham

As our primary administrator Sharni certainly holds a bird’s eye view of the Topflite office. However she’s also always got an ear to the ground with customer service too.

Yes, she’s the one who lovingly prepares your orders and gets them rolling out the door smoothly. Sharni works hard for the community too, a role as Deputy Chair on the St Joseph’s School Board of Trustees and tertiary study keeping her busy away from the office.

Do you have any pets?

I have a bichon frise named Oscar and two male guinea pigs named Nobel and Toby.

What’s the best part of your job?

I’ve always loved working with people, so a job where I get to chat with lots of different people works well for me. My husband tells me that I am very good at talking and would talk the hind legs off an elephant given half the chance!


What’s your favorite animal?

I was lucky to have many pets growing up so I really don’t have a favourite. I was always the kid who took home the stray kittens then turned on the water works so mum would let me keep them.

Where’s your favorite place in New Zealand?

I’m very much a small town girl at heart. I love small quiet places where I can park up with a good book and relax. My family is from the Reefton/Westport area so I love getting back there when I can.

Topflite Team